Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Church We (Are) Meant to Be

Next month marks 10 years for River Valley Community Church. WOW. Ten years....sounds like a looonnngggg time in some respects; in a lot of ways it is not really that long.

For instance...the fact that I was ONLY 32 years old back in the summer of '97...well, that was sweet.
But...as a churches go...ten years is nothing---compared with some congregations that have been meeting continuously for SEVERAL HUNDRED years!

As a spiritual community it seems like we are, in a lot of ways, just learning to "walk". Just beginning to hit our stride, spread our wings, get our bearings...(ok, enough cliches)

So...on Sunday mornings this month...we'll discuss the kind of church we MEANT (intended) to be. Is that the same church we have become so far? Well, Yes and No. Just like my 17 year old Senior son mostly resembles that seven year old boy that headed off to second grade in the Fall of 1997, River Valley has grown up in ways we anticipated and recognize...with a few strange twists and turns along the way that we never saw coming for sure.

How about you?
If you are a part of the RVCC family now....Who were you/Where were you/and what were you doing in September of 1997?
What changes have marked your life these past ten years?